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The Five Watches: An Accident of Time

Book Description

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In the year 2619, the last two groups of humans in the Eastern United States prepare to annihilate each other in a pointless struggle for dominance. Before the final act of self-destruction takes place, however, an accident of time results in a handful of people living in different eras becoming entangled in this conflict.

The nineteenth-century scientist, Dr. Wilhelm Gussen, is passionate about improving the welfare of mankind, and so he begins a journey through time in a quest to learn about future advances in epidemiology. Physicist Emory Lynch, from the twenty-seventh century, studies an old pocket watch, said to be a time travel device, and accidently stumbles into the twenty-first century. In 2019, Jim Zimmerman finds himself caught in the middle of a clandestine conspiracy taking place in the future. True to his character, he becomes inextricably involved in future affairs that involve saving humanity from itself. Thus, begins a time travel adventure which examines the stubborn predictability of human behavior and how some things, even over time, never seem to change. Or can they?


“I have something very urgent to discuss with you, and it must be a private conversation.” Emory’s gaze was so intense that Jim felt mildly alarmed.

“Um, uh. Can you tell me what it’s about?” Jim was now searching the backyard for some sign of Zoe or Michael, but nobody else was around.

“It is something very important, but quite unusual,” Emory said just above a whisper. “Please.”

“Okay, okay. Come in. I have a small office at the front of the house. We can talk there. There doesn’t appear to be anybody else home right now anyway.”

Jim led Emory through the house to his office and shut the door. “Have a seat.”

Emory perched precariously on the edge of an armchair positioned next to Jim’s desk, and Jim sat in his plush leather chair and waited expectantly.

Emory began. “First, allow me to tell you that I have selected you out of several potential candidates. I have been here for about a month, looking for someone to help me, someone trustworthy, strong of character, and pure of heart.”

These words surprised Jim causing him to feel a little self-conscious. “Sounds like you’re looking for Sir Galahad,” he chuckled. “Well, I hope you have the right guy.”

I do,” Emory said flatly. “I am here from another time, a time far in the future, and I am going to need your help.”

Reader Reviews

"What a unique time-travel story this is. I’ve read a lot of them and have written them myself. I was drawn into the story from the beginning. It takes turns that I didn’t expect, and this is enjoyable.  The characters are well-drawn out and shown to us through their actions. The way they interact is realistic and interesting.  The world-building was created with some thought, and the time-travel aspect works well. Suspense is woven throughout the tale.  I would recommend this for those who love a little sci-fi with their time-travel adventures."

                                                                      Amazon Review

"The Five Watches is filled with interesting characters and enchanting tapestries woven into the fabric of time itself. John explores not only the ravages of time but more importantly the impact of individual kindness, caring, and selflessness towards others that is heartwarming. I enjoyed this suspenseful page turner, the connection to everyday people and to imaginable heroes that we can all strive to become. Uplifting!"

                                                                     Jim Richards

"An intriguing and imaginative look at what the future may bring, wrapped in a novel approach to time travel. The characters and their relationships were the perfect companions resulting in an unexpected conclusion."

                                                                        Pete Hamel